Food that takes you home!
ENMackerel fillets in tomato and basil. It contains vitamin D, as well as much protein and Omega 3. NOMakrellfilet i tomat og basilikum. Den inneholder vitamin D, samt mye protein og omega 3.
ENFillets mackerel 60%, tomato puree, water, canola oil, 0.8% sugar, salt, antioxidant (ascorbic acid, citric acid), spices (basil, parsley, paprika, garlic, onion). NOMakrellfilet 60 %, tomatsaus 40 %(tomatpuré, vann, rapsolje, sukker, salt, antioksidant (askorbinsyre, sitronsyre), fortykningsmiddel (guarkjernemel, xantangummi)).